Svndumpfilter fails with “Invalid copy source path…” error


I want to move part of my SVN repo offsite, onto an AWS instance & am following this page (Repository Maintenance)

I have taken a dump of the whole repo (Windows commands):

  • svnadmin dump c:\repo > all_repo

Next is to filter it, to include only the project I am interested in (which is called "M1").

  • type all_repo | svndumpfilter include M1 --drop-empty-revs > m1

I know this is correct, as I have done it on some of the other projects already.

On this project, it breaks with the error indicated in the title of this post. The exact wording is:

svndumpfilter: Invalid copy source path '/Personal/Richard/M1_Config'

The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.

The folder that the error refers to is a configuration utility that I wrote and submitted under my personal folder, and it is not under the root/m1… folder at all. I do not want to include it in the filtered file, but do not know how to indicate this to the svn commands.

  1. How can I correctly filter for the whole M1 folder and its children, while excluding the Personal/Richard/M1_Config folder entirely?
  2. How can I be sure whether the exported file contains the correct information to correctly recreate the M1 folder on the remote SVN?

Best Answer

I've tried at least 4 different applications to do that, the only that really worked was using svndumpfilterIN :

svnadmin dump c:\repo > all_repo all_repo --repo=c:\repo --output-dump=m1 include M1

Here is my full answer on linux.

Here is what I tried and didn't worked :

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