Swift code to class diagram


Is there a way to generate UML Class diagram for swift programming language? I found that the Mac A&D tool claims to be able to scan the swift code and create a class diagram. And there is a video to introduce it.

Unfortunately, it is not free. I wonder if there is another free tool to generate class diagram automatically. Could you guys help me? Thanks in advance.

UML class diagrams for Xcode (swift programming)

Best Answer

I recently found a free tool, that gets you a decent start on this.

Take a look at this tutorial https://martinmitrevski.com/2016/10/12/swift-class-diagrams-and-more/

and here is the github repo https://github.com/yoshimkd/swift-auto-diagram.

I found its best if you open the diagram.html in chrome vs firefox. And if you see the little circles, just let it run until its finished. It takes a few minutes on my project.

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