Swift – Image full screen width in SwiftUI


I added an image to my body in a SwiftUI application and want to have that image cover the full width of the device, but not go over it.

In body, I return the image object:

var body: some View {

and the image shows up, however, it's too big:

I tried setting the frame: that affects the highlighted boundaries, but the image does not resize.
In combination, I played around with .aspectRatio(contentMode:), which did not seem to have any effect on the layout.

How can I have the image be effectively 100% of the screen width?

Best Answer

The reason .aspectRatio(contentMode:) had no effect on the layout is because you did not make the image resizable with resizeable().


var body: some View {
    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)

will cause the image to be the width of the screen, but the image's aspect ratio will not be maintained. To maintain the aspect ratio, do

var body: some View {
    .aspectRatio(UIImage(named: "page-under-construction")!.size, contentMode: .fill)

This utilizes the .aspectRatio(aspectRatio: CGSize, contentMode: ContentMode) version of the method your original question discussed with a dummy UIImage to access the Image's original aspect ratio.

Note: The explicitly unwrapped optional (!) should not be a problem unless you are unsure if the image name is a valid one from your Assets folder. See this post for a comprehensive overview on Swift optionals.

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