Target frame in iframe (target=”_blank” not working)


I have a small problem.
I'm using iframe to insert the banner (with link to the outside website).

<iframe src="" name="i001" target="_blank" frameset frameborder=0 id="i001" scrolling="no"></iframe>

The problem I have is when I click on the banner INSIDE the frame it opens a page INSIDE a frame and I want it to open it in new window (or at least in the parent one).
Is there any way to do it without js or jquery?
If not, what should I do in jquery to make it working? I was trying to find an answer here, but found just very specific questions which don't face my problem directly.
Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

If you can control the source file that is loaded inside the iFrame (, try adding a target="_top" or target="_blank" in the links there.