TFS 2010: how to add a new user


I just installed TFS Server 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimate.

I even managed to connect to the TFS server using Visual Studio 2010 – I didn't have to enter any login and password, as Windows Authentication was automatically used.

Now I need to add a new user to TFS, with a specific login and password, so that a member of the project could access the TFS server from the Internet.

However, I did not find a way to add a new user to TFS!

I used to work with Visual SourceSafe, and there the management of users was quite straightforward.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

It's a little weird in non-domain situations.

  1. Create a new local user on your computer.
  2. In Visual Studio, look on the Team menu for Team Project Collection settings
  3. Add that new user to the Authorized Users group (I think-- I'm not able to access mine right now, so I'm not sure what it's called. It's something like that, though).
  4. On the Team menu, find Team Project Settings
  5. Add the same user to the Contributors group.

When the other user logs on, they will have to specify the TFS Application Tier computer as the domain name. For example, if you installed TFS on a computer named MyWin7Box, they would sign on as MyWin7Box\Username