TFS delete – The item XXX already has pending changes. No arguments matched any files to delete. How to delete a item


I am trying to delete a file from TFS.

So I am running the following commands in this sequence –

tfs get ….
tfs checkout ….
tfs get ….
tfs delete ….(failed at this point)
tfs checkin ……

While running this command the tfs delete fails with this error

The item XXX already has pending changes.
No arguments matched any files to delete.

I can't understand what am i doing wrong? Is there a workaround for this?

Best Answer

Who has the pending change on the file? You? If so then just undo changes on it then delete it.

If you are not the one with the pending change then you will need to get a TFS admin to do the undo changes operation for you.

Alternatively if you are doing this from the command line and have sufficient privileges then use the /force switch.