TFS: How to view all files in many changesets


I have Visual Studio 2008 and TFS.
I can click on specific folder in Source Coontrol Explorer and click view history.

Then I see list of all changesets.

Then I can double click on one change set and see files and folder path that were changed in that changeset (Details for Changeset)

I would like to see list of all files and paths for many changesets for specific folder in Source Control Explorer.


ChangesetId: 1 User: A Date: today Comment: Fix
ChangesetId: 2 User: B Date: today Comment: Fix2

If I click on Changeset 1 I see this:
Name: class1.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\work
Name: class2.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\work

If I click on Changeset 2 I see this:
Name: class3.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\PetProject
Name: class4.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\PetProject

What I want to see in one list is this:

ChangesetId: 1 User: A Date: today Comment: Fix Name: class1.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\work

ChangesetId: 1 User: A Date: today Comment: Fix Name: class2.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\work

ChangesetId: 2 User: B Date: today Comment: Fix2 Name: class3.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\PetProject

ChangesetId: 2 User: B Date: today Comment: Fix2 Name: class4.vb change: merge, edit Folder C:\PetProject

Can I query some table in TFS database to get this list or can I see it somewhere in TFS?

Best Answer

you can get this information from the command line. it only does one change at a time, but you could write a script to do this for all of them:

 tf changeset /noprompt 55421

this outputs something like this:

Changeset: 55421
User: dsmith
Date: 09 November 2010 12:41:25

  Fix to threading bug in connector

  edit $/Project/products/App/Dev/Source Code/Utils.cpp
  edit $/Project/products/App/Dev/Source Code/Connector.cpp
  edit $/Project/products/App/Dev/Source Code/Utils.h

Check-in Notes:
  Code Reviewer:
  Performance Reviewer:
  Security Reviewer:

if you have to have the output exactly as you specified it, then you would be best writing some code with the TFS SDK

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