The difference between P4V’s Branch, Copy, Integrate/Merge


I am using P4v, and when i bring up the context-menu on a folder, i have these options:-
– Integrate/Merge
– Copy
– Branch

Seems to me like they are all doing the same thing.
Is there any real difference in these commands?


Best Answer

When you integrate or merge, you blend files together. That is, you end up having to resolve files that have overlapping changes. 'p4 merge' and 'p4 integrate' do this.

When you copy, you replace files -- no overlapping changes are resolved. 'p4 copy' does this.

When you branch, you copy files to a location where no files existed before. 'p4 populate' does this.

What P4V does depends on the version of P4V you have. You can look in the log pane to see the p4 commands it's running. (Use 'Preview' to get it to run those commands with -n.)

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