The difference between the following while using Tortoise SVN


What is the difference between the following while using Tortoise SVN

  1. SVN Checkout (in context menu)
  2. Export (in context menu)
  3. Save as (in Repo Browser)
  4. Copy to.. (in Repo Browser)
  5. Copy to working copy.. (in Repo Browser)

Best Answer

  1. SVN Checkout - Copy the files to a local folder and link them to the repository
  2. Export - Same as 1, but not linked to the repository and with no extra control files laying around (can come from a working copy or the repository)
  3. Save As - Export a single file, perhaps renaming it in the process
  4. Copy to - Branch the file or folder into a location in the repository browser tree with an immediate commit.
  5. Copy to working copy - Branch the file or folder into a working copy already on your machine with delayed commit. 5a.Both 4 and 5 preserve SVN history. They differ in the ability to edit the results before committing.