Tikz: horizontal centering of group of nodes


I need to align each row of the graph to the center. I am trying to do it with xshift. Here the code:

    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto, text centered]
    \tikzstyle{every node}=[draw,ball];
        \node (A) {A};
        \node [right of=A] (B) {B};
        \node [right of=B] (C) {C};
        \node [right of=C] (D) {D};
        \node (AB) {AB};
        \node [right of=AB] (AC) {AC};
        \node [right of=AC] (AD) {AD};
        \node [right of=AD] (BC) {BC};
        \node [right of=BC] (BD) {BD};
        \node [right of=BD] (CD) {CD};
    \begin{scope}[yshift=-3cm,node distance=2cm,xshift=1cm]
        \node (ABC) {ABC};
        \node [right of=ABC] (ABD) {ABD};
        \node [right of=ABD] (ACD) {ACD};
        \node [right of=ACD] (BCD) {BCD};
    \begin{scope}[xshift=4cm, yshift=-4.5cm, node distance=2cm]
        \node (ABCD) {ABCD};

Is there any other way to do it? Do not like to change xshift values every time.

Best Answer

You can make each row its own matrix, allowing you to effectively group a set of nodes into one.

Your Example

        \matrix[nodes={draw,ball}, column sep=1cm]{
            \node (A) {A}; &
            \node (B) {B}; &
            \node (C) {C}; &
            \node (D) {D}; \\
        \matrix[nodes={draw,ball}, column sep=1cm]{
            \node (AB) {AB}; &
            \node (AC) {AC}; &
            \node (AD) {AD}; &
            \node (BC) {BC}; &
            \node (BD) {BD}; &
            \node (CD) {CD}; \\
        \matrix[nodes={draw,ball}, column sep=1cm]{
            \node (ABC) {ABC}; &
            \node (ABD) {ABD}; &
            \node (ACD) {ACD}; &
            \node (BCD) {BCD}; \\
        \matrix[nodes={draw,ball}, column sep=1cm]{
            \node (ABCD) {ABCD}; \\

Note: be sure to \usetikzlibrary{matrix}

Results in

alt text

(I made up my own ball style.)

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