Tinyint(byte),SmallInt(Int16) not compatible with Enum in EF5


Using Database first design and having tinyint (or smallint) column:

[MyEnumColumn] [tinyint] NOT NULL

I mapped this column to Enum Type in EDM with

External Type: NSpace.MyEnumType

Where NSpace.MyEnumType is defined like this:

public enum MyEnumType 
{ One, Two, Three, All }

Only to get this error when trying to load entity from context:

Schema specified is not valid. Errors:

No corresponding object layer type could be found for the conceptual
type 'EntityDataModel.MyEnumType'.

The following information may be useful in resolving the previous

The underlying type of CLR enumeration type does not match the
underlying type of EDM enumeration type.

Same applies if I use [Smallint] and [Int16] but once I change database to [Int] and enum type to [Int32] the error is gone.

Why do I need to store enum value in 4Byte (Int) data field instead of 1Byte (Tinyint) when enums in 99.9% time don't have more than 256 items or am I missing something else?

Best Answer

Well if anyone is interested the problem is in enum's default type:

public enum MyEnumType 
{ One, Two, Three, All }

Since enum defaults to type int, [Underlying Type:{Byte}] doesn't match type of [External Type] {MyEnumType:Int} so to fix it for my original tinyint field you need to define your enum like this:

public enum MyEnumType : byte
{ One, Two, Three, All }
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