Tortoise SVN Error on commit: ‘Invalid PROPPATCH property’


I'm using tortoise svn 1.6.16 on a Windows 7 machine, and getting an error on commit, as below:

Error: Commit failed (details follow):  
Error: At least one property change failed; repository is unchanged  
Error: Invalid PROPPATCH property  

A previous question asked here indicated that this was due to quotes in the commit message, but that is not my issue.

I've tried re-installing svn, and have also tried making my changes a second time on a clean checkout of my project. The error still persists though.

Can anyone recommend a way to access the invalid PROPPATCH property and fix it? Or is there a known workaround to get me over this hump? Any info much appreciated.

Best Answer

To elaborate on @Sergey Bodrov's answer, it may be that your repository is using Git, and not supporting the "ignore" property. This was what fixed it for me: Right-click on the working copy root folder, select Tortoise SVN > Properties, remove the "svn:ignore" property and then commit works fine.