Tortoise SVN merge two branches


i'm trying to merge two branches with tortoise SVN.
Both branches have been changed since they diverged.
If i merge them, only the changes of one of them obtain and those of the other will be overwritten.
But i want the latest change of every file (We have not been working in the same files).

I tried the option "Merge two different trees" and entered the two branches in "From:" and "To:".
I took the Head Revision on both.
I left everything else to default (Merge depth: Working Copy, Compare whitespaces, everything else unchecked)

Best Answer

In the From URL option, you should specify the branch to which you want to merge.

For example, assume that there are 2 branches, branch A and branch B, and you want to merge branch B to branch A.

  • In TortoiseSVN, click on Merge option and then select Merge two different trees option.
  • In the From URL, please mention URL of branch A and in the To URL, mention URL of branch B.

This should merge branch B to branch A without losing any files.

Reference: found this statement here