Tortoise SVN transfer at 0 byte/s


I'm using Tortoise SVN 1.8.10 on a Windows 7 machine, connecting to the server on a linux machine.

Until about two weeks ago everything was working fine, but suddenly SVN stopped working. Whatever action I try on the project (update, logs, commit, etc) the transfer proceeds at 0 byte/s and eventually times out.

I am connecting through a VPN and that seems to work fine, as I can SSH login in the linux server and transfer files from there. I can browse the SVN repository trough Firefox.

I tried different connections, I updated Tortoise, used https and nothing worked. I'm not using a proxy and I don't need a proxy.

In the office they said they didn't change any settings, I have another colleague using SVN and it works for him.

How can I investigate this issue? Can I have SVN display some logs for example or to monitor the traffic from my machine to the server?

in the end updating the VPN client solved the issue, please feel free to close the post and thanks to everyone for the help

Best Answer

Take a look at this answer:

Enable the debug output via the settings dialog: Settings dialog -> Advanced -> DebugOutputString (set to true) After that, use DebugView to log all the debug output messages.

The autor of the answer is the autor of the TorotoiseSVN, I thnk.