Trouble with parallel make not always starting another job when one finishes


I'm working on a system with four logical CPS (two dual-core CPUs if it matters). I'm using make to parallelize twelve trivially parallelizable tasks and doing it from cron.

The invocation looks like:

make -k -j 4 -l 3.99 -C [dir] [12 targets]

The trouble I'm running into is that sometimes one job will finish but the next one won't startup even though it shouldn't be stopped by the load average limiter. Each target takes about four hours to complete and I'm wondering if this might be part of the problem.

Edit: Sometimes a target does fail but I use the -k option to have the rest of the make still run. I haven't noticed any correlation with jobs failing and the next job not starting.

Best Answer

I'd drop the '-l'

If all you plan to run the the system is this build I think the -j 4 does what you want.

Based on my memory, if you have anything else running (crond?), that can push the load average over 4.

GNU make ref

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