Twitter-bootstrap – Add a padding to the container with Twitter Bootstrap


Using Twitter Bootstrap, I'm looking for a way to add padding left, or margin left, to the container of the page. (expressed in units of percentage of the page)

In fact, if I don't include bootstrap-responsive.css, the padding is quite good for me. But I would like that my website works fine on mobiles. So it is necessary to include this file, and a direct effect (why ?) is that the padding-left (or margin-left, I don't know) is less important.

I've tried to add manually padding-left or margin-left to the container class in my own CSS, but it enlarges the width of the page and creates an horizontal scroll-bar.

Do you know a safe way to do it, maybe using tools provided by Bootstrap ?

Best Answer

<div class="container">
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-8">