Twitter-bootstrap – Using bootstrap twitter with google blogger


I've been trying to use bootstrap twitter on my google blog on Apparently it is not working, and I am quite sure that the problem is how I am including the css and js files. I've uploaded the .css and .js files as .txt files to an online plain .txt upload server. I am including them in the head.


<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>


<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>


<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>


<script src='//'/>
<script src='//'/>  
<script src=''/>


<script src=''/> 


<script src=''/> 

Is it not possible to link to these files when they are .txt? If not what alternatives do I have? I've seen both dropbox and google drive mentioned on a blog post, but as far as I've tried and searched for It is not possible to have a plain text page – dropbox and drive adds html for their interfaces.

I solved it by using a free webhost uploading the plain .js and .css like THIS – I just googled "free webhost".

The problem is that free webhosts can be rather slow – and the webhost I've chosen informs about DDOS attacks. Is there a better alternative – if I do not want to pay for serverspace?

Best Answer

You can use netdna's cdn for bootstrap:

I'm using it and I'm highly satisfied with the result (

Or you can use DropBox as a CDN if you're using a customized version of bootstrap.