Typescript – Default interface object


Is there any way to create a default interface object?


interface myInterface {
    A: string;
    B: string;
    C: number;
    D: CustomType; // A custom class

Usually you'd create an object of this interface by:

var myObj: myInterface = {
    A: "",
    B: "",
    C: 0,
    D: null

However it'd be nice if there was some syntactic sugar to do it like this:

var myObj = new myInterface;
// OR
var myObj = default(myInterface);

From my research I haven't found a way to do this; but I'm hoping that I've just missed something.

Best Answer

You can use a slightly different syntax and get all the type checking and IntelliSense.

interface IUserModel{
  Name: string;
  Age: number;
  Email: string;
  IsActive: boolean;

var user = <IUserModel>{};

You make an empty user object but TypeScript compiler is still checking that you have valid properties on the object and it still provides code completion.

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