Typescript – JSX element type ‘XXX’ does not have any construct or call signatures


I want to use material-ui in typescript.

/// <reference path="../../../typings/react/react.d.ts"/>
import React = __React;
import * as FlatButton from "material-ui/lib/flat-button";

interface ATCProps{

export default class AddToCartBtn extends React.Component<ATCProps,any>{
        return (
            <FlatButton></FlatButton>  // -> error


declare module "material-ui/lib/flat-button" {
    import ReactElement = __React.ReactElement;
    import Component = __React.Component;
    interface FlatButton extends __React.Component<any,any>{
    export default FlatButton;

Error:(15, 14) TS2604: JSX element type 'FlatButton' does not have any construct or call signatures.

Best Answer

You need to replace interface FlatButton with class FlatButton. The module definition you've exported doesn't have any value associated with it.

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