“Unable to start debugging” – VS2010 ASP.NET MVC 2

asp.net-mvc-2visual studio 2010

I can launch debug session only once with VS2010 and ASP.NET MVC2. When I end the first session and try to launch another I can see…

"Unable to start debugging" – no other messages, I'm using Visual Studio Development Server instead of IIS, Windows 7 64-bit

I can add that few days ago I was working on Windows XP and everything was fine.

Does anyone have some conclusions?

Best Answer

The problem auto-magically disappeared when:

  1. I've turned off Debug > Edit and Continue option
  2. Open vs2010 and run debug.
  3. Turn off debug, shut down all launched WebServers (I had few of them for different services)
  4. Close VS2010
  5. Open VS2010.

After that everything works.