Unix – Can’t connect to SVN – can’t find the file specified

svntortoisesvnunixversion control

I've set up svn repo on remote server

# svn info
Path: .
URL: file:///root/svn/dadilja/trunk
Repository Root: file:///root/svn/dadilja

I'm trying to do using TortoiseSVN


and getting

"Unable to connect to a repository at URL
Can't create tunnel: The system cannot find the file specified.

I have no idea what to do? /root/svn/dadilja/trunk path doesn't really exist. In /root/svn/dadilja I have stuff such as db, locks, and conf. However checkout on same machine works fine using

svn co file:///path

Edit: ommiting port doesn't fix it

Best Answer

You can not specify the port in the svn url, this is AFAIK not supported.

The only way I know to use an SSH server on a non-standard port is to generally set the non-standard port via the file .subversion/config. There you can modify the ssh command and thus specify the port.

sshtunnel = ssh -p <port>
