Unix – need to create a shell script or a command in unix which can do the following process(command will be preferred)


at the following path


I have one file

if i open this file
i get data as following(in a single line)

HEADER0101IMS HEALTHDMD Weekly D DD.CLI026.WK0933.DDDMR45 Centocor DMDDRM45 W2009080210120090831125325ssnyder@us.imshealth.com
TRAIL0101 000000000581 0000000000CKSUM000002236804730

we need to copy 581(it will not be same always it gets updated everyday) from this file
and update it at following location


when i open this file it has data as following


we need to update 581 against $$DRM45_RowCount

Best Answer

Assuming that header is all on a single line (and the "**" are added by you just to emphasize what you want extracted), you can extract the number with:

export num=$(expr 0 + $(cat infile | cut -c137-148))

This extracts the number (assuming your file is specified correctly). The expression "0 + n" will strip off leading zeros. Then, using my code from your other question:

cat parfile | awk -va=${num} '{
    if (substr($0,1,17) == "$$DRM45_RowCount=") {
        print "$$DRM45_RowCount=" a
    } else {
}' > newparfile

Now newparfile should contain the value you want.