“URL Rewriting”/Routing with .net 3.0 and IIS 6.0


I wonder what the best approach is for a situation where I want to have the user type in


and get redirected (301 or 302) to


For .net 3.5 and IIS 7 I found some solutions, but unfortunately I am stuck with .net 3.0 and IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003, and I do not want to install anything on the server if possible. I can change the settings for the Virtual Directory though, and if I have to for the entire site.

HTTPModules and web.config are ASP.net only If I am not completely mistaken, hence that will not help as /20 is not sent to ASP.net per Default?

Can anyone give me some tips where I can set up something like that?

Best Answer

The only way I have seen to do it without putting the 301 redirects directly into IIS Manager is to use Wildcard mapping
