Using dot net 1.1 on IIS 7.5 (windows 7 – 32 bit)

Getting a lot of problems when I am trying to run a .NET 1.1 solution on IIS7.5 (on windows 7, 32 bit system). When I add the virtual directory in IIS and provide it with an ASP 1.1 application pool and try to browse the site, it adds events to to the event log with event id 5009 and 1000 and stops the application pool. I dont know what is probably going wring here and have been unable to find anything on net. I am thinking to install IIS 5.1 instead (sinse the same project on a xp machine with iis 5.1 works alright). Is it even possible to install IIS 5.1 on windows 7 32 bit system? OR if there is an another solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

1) .Net1.1 on IIS7.5

Follow this IIS blog on .Net 1.1, or this SO answer.

2) VS2003 on IIS7.5

Couple of blogs suggest you need .Net 1.1 SP1 and Run VS As Administrator: here, here, here, and here