Variable Expression: Count all records where condition >0 is met


I created a variable to keep a count of all machinery_part_id in a location for my report. This works fine, now I want to add a filter where the machinery_part_id is only counted if they have a quantity > 0.

This is what I had to start with:

Variable Name: PART_COUNT

Variable Class Type: Java.lang.Integer

Calculation Type: Count

Reset Type: Group

Reset Group: LOCATION_ID

Increment Type: None

Variable Expression: $F{MACHINERY_PART_ID}

A field in my report was set up as follows:

Text Field Expression Class: Java.lang.Integer

Evaluation Time: Group

Evaluation Group: LOCATION_ID

Text Field Expression: $V{PART_COUNT}

The new condition is count(machinery_part_id) group by location_id having quantity >0

$F{MACHINERY_PART_ID} and $F{QUANTITY_SENT} are both java.lang.double fields, I tried entering the following in the Variable Expression:

New Double($F{QUANTITY_SENT} > 0.00 ?  $F{QUANTITY_SENT}.doubleValue() : 0d)

But it errors out with:

Syntax error, insert ";" to complete BlockStatements

I'm using iReport 3.0.0

Please help,

Best Answer

I figured it out:


Variable Name: PART_COUNT

Variable Class Type: Java.lang.Double

Calculation Type: Sum

Reset Type: Group

Reset Group: LOCATION_ID

Increment Type: None

Variable Expression: new Double($F{QUANTITY_SENT}.doubleValue() > 0.00 ? 1.0:0.0)


Text Field Expression Class: Java.lang.Double

Evaluation Time: Group

Evaluation Group: LOCATION_ID

Text Field Expression: $V{PART_COUNT}

QUESTION How do I now switch this expression to return an integer??

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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