Vb.net – consuming standard SOAP Web Service using vb.net

soapvb.netvisual studioweb serviceswsdl

I have consumed several wsdl services successfully, but am stuck now with this web service.
Am implementing Hotelston webservice which state :Hotelston.com API is a standard SOAP Web Service (WS) available at URL

I cant access the direct code of the webservice after i added the it as a reference in my application.

Please see the following MSDN articles for the exact details on how I added and used these web service references but still cant access it from the direct code.

How to: Add and Remove Web References

How to: Call a Web Service

For full API documentation of wsdl file through the link.

Best Answer

If you show all files in the project and expand the service reference out, Reference.cs is empty. This is likely because there are namespace errors in HotelService.wsdl ("ax23", specifically) that is causing the t4 template to fail to generate the service code. Bottom line, it's their fault, not yours.