Vb.net – NLog – set the logger level in runtime


I'm using the latest NLog v3.1 and have a question on how to set logging level at runtime. I have just one target and logger in my NLog.config file. The logger name = "*" and the minlevel = "Info". I have the following code in a module to declare the logger along with a function GetLoggingLevel which I can pass in the logger name to retrieve it's level. However, how may I set the logging level? Currently I'm having to open the NLog.config XML and modify the minlevel in the XML. Since I have autoReload = "true", it takes affect – but was hoping there was a way to set this using an NLog method/property.

Imports System.Xml
Imports NLog

Module modLogging

Private m_Log As Logger

Public ReadOnly Property Log As Logger
        If (m_Log Is Nothing) Then
            m_Log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger
        End If
        Return m_Log
    End Get
End Property

Public Sub LogShutdown()
End Sub

Public Function GetLoggingLevel(ByVal loggerName) As String
    Dim level As String = String.Empty

    If (LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName).IsInfoEnabled) Then
        level = "Info"
    ElseIf (LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName).IsErrorEnabled) Then
        level = "Error"
    ElseIf (LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName).IsDebugEnabled) Then
        level = "Debug"
    End If

    Return (level)
End Function

With this I can easily call Log.Info("some text") or Log.Error("some error"), etc. in my project. I can obtain the current level and show this to the user, but I want the user to be able to change the logging level to either Debug, Info, Error, etc. but I cannot figure out how to set the minlevel in the config file at runtime without loading & modifying the config XML directly. Any help would be appreciated.

Kindest Regards

Best Answer

You can access the LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules and enable or disable logging for a certain level. For instance, using a small project with a NLog config as :

<nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd"
    <target name="consoleDetailed" 
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="consoleDetailed" />

and a console app like

Sub Main()

    Dim log As Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger

    log.Debug("debug message")
    log.Info("info message")

    For Each rule As LoggingRule In LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules


    log.Debug("debug message") REM This line will not be logged
    log.Info("info message")


End Sub
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