VB6 Common Controls On Windows 10

vb6windows 10

I've recently installed windows 10 from windows 7.
I have now run in to an issue where microsoft Common Controlls mscomctl is not founnd

enter image description here

I have registered the "MSCOMCTL.OCX" file with sysWow64/Regsvr32.exe

enter image description here

But when I reload the project it still cant find the reference.

I've also registered the .ocx with System32. Is this a windows 10 issue or am I missing something?

Best Answer

The most probable reason for this error is that your project is looking for a newer version of MSCOMCTL.OCX than is installed by Visual Basic 6 (with Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 6).

You can verify the version of the typelib required by your project by opening the .vbp project file in a text editor. Look for a line like this one:

Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.2#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX

The 2.2 in the middle refers to the typelib version required. If you re-add the component reference and then save the project, you can go back to the .VBP file and see what typelib version is currently installed on your machine. (This will likely be version 2.0).

To get the latest typelib version (2.2):

  1. Install Visual Studio 6 Service Pack 6, if you haven't already.
  2. Install the January 2016 version of the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6 Security Rollup Update.

This will give you version of MSCOMCTL.OCX.