VBScript Permission denied when I delete a file


Let me start by saying I am self taught in VBScript.

I have a folder that gets filled with temporary files and I need to delete them.

So I created a script when it runs I am getting a permission denied when the script tries to delete the file. I am a Domain Admin, but to be sure I manually deleted a file and had no issues. I get the same message even when I run the script on the server.

I tried to post all of my code here put I had a hard time reading it. If you can tell me how to post it so you can read it please let me know. I saw something about putting a ">" on the first line put It was not putting everything on one line.

Here is the section I am having issues with, the error is the last line (Permission Denied)

Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFolder1 & "\" & strFileName.Name)
objFSO.DeleteFile myFileToDelete, True

OK I looked at help more. I could not indent even with 4 spaces in front. Not sure how to code this, I tried but I cannot get it to accept it.


Best Answer

This should do what you're asking:

Sub DeleteMyFile(myFileToDelete)
   Dim fso
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
End Sub

myFileToDelete = strFolder1 & "\" & strFileName
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