VBscript runtime error


I have a VBScript that I am working on building. The script itself complets all of the functions within it – it throws an error only after the script ends. It is giving me the following error:
vbscript runtime error: Object required 'objFSO'

Here is the relavant function:

Function ReadFileIntoArray (sFile)
    dim objFSO 'As FileSystemObject
    dim file
    dim volumes()

    Set file = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFile)  'Error Thrown Here.
    do while not file.AtendOfStream
        redim preserve text(nlines)
        volumes(nlines) = file.Readline
        nlines = nlines + 1

    set file = nothing
    Set objFSO = nothing

    ReadFileIntoArray = volumes
end Function 

The file is still opened and used properly. I'm a little lost. Any ideas?

Best Answer

objFSO is never assigned a value. When the error occurs, objFSO's value is Empty, which is not an object.

You're probably missing

   Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
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