Visual Basic 6.0 Case Statement


This little piece of code is supposed to fire off and give me the correct variable
but no matter what is in the variable "numericDay", the Variable "suffix" gives me
"th". i don't see why it wouldn't change when the value of "numericDay changes
both are string variables.

    Select Case numericDay
            Case numericDay = "1" Or "21" Or "31"
                 suffix = "st"
            Case numericDay = "2" Or "22"
                 suffix = "nd"
            Case numericDay = "3" Or "23"
                 suffix = "rd"
            Case Else
             suffix = "th"

    End Select

Best Answer

You've written your select incorrectly. Try the following:

    Select Case numericDay
            Case "1", "21", "31"
                 suffix = "st"
            Case "2", "22"
                 suffix = "nd"
            Case "3", "23"
                 suffix = "rd"
            Case Else
                 suffix = "th"
    End Select

For future reference: