Visual Studio 2008 + Team Foundation Server 2008 = files not uploading to server, how to fix


We are having two problems with Visual Studio Team System 2008.

Very rarely, if we make changes to our source code, and we try to upload it to the server, it doesn't recognize the changed files, and doesn't upload them.

Even worse, we also have a database file (extension .bak) that does not seem to get uploaded to the server, no matter how much it changes.

In short, the source control part of TFS is not doing is job.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Best Answer

Never resolved the insidious issues of incomplete checkins.

So, we switched to SVN, and dropped TFS. Never regretted this decision, although it was a shame to dump all the work we'd put into setting up TFS, for lack of a basic functionality with bugs in a simple "sync files on computer A with computer B".