Visual Studio 2010 Project on shared folder: fatal error C1033: cannot open program database

databasevisual studio 2010windows 7

I am running Windows 7 inside VMWare on a Mac as I am working on a cross plattform project. I want to keep all my plattform independent files in the same folder – that's why I want to organize everything in a folder on the mac and share it with windows that's running in the VM.
When I try to compile the project in the shared folder, I get
fatal error C1033: cannot open program database '\vmware-host\shared folders\audio\vst3 sdk\base\win\win32\debug.base_vc9\base_vc9.pdb'

I am able to write and read files on that folder using the windows explorer. Did try to run Visual Studio as administrator. Didn't help.

If I just copy my folder from the shared folder to the local drive I am able to compile the project without any problems. But it's not an option to copy my whole project just to make a windows build.

Does anyone have a clue what's going on? How do I get around this?

Update: I disabled my antivirus in Windows: Didn't help.
However, a colleague from work pointed me to a workaround: Setup SMB File Sharing under Mac os and connect to the samba share with windows. Surprisingly I am able to compile the project on the samba share. Would be glad if anyone could explain that issue though.

Best Answer

Switch the debug info to C7 format instead of using the PDB.

Project Options -> C/C++ -> General -> Debug Information Format and set it to C7.