Visual Studio 2010: Reference Assemblies Targeting Higher Framework Version

assembliesreferencevisual studio 2010

Visual Studio 2008 did let you reference an assembly A from an Assembly B when A was targeting .NET 3.5 and B was targeting .NET 2.0.

Visual Studio 2010 doesn't allow for this any more. The full issue is described on MSDN:

You can create applications that
reference projects or assemblies that
target different versions of the .NET
Framework. For example, if you create
an application that targets the .NET
Framework 4 Client Profile, that
project can reference an assembly that
targets .NET Framework version 2.0.
However, if you create a project that
targets an earlier version of the .NET
Framework, you cannot set a
reference in that project to a project
or assembly that targets the .NET
Framework 4 Client Profile or the .NET
Framework 4
. To eliminate the error,
make sure that the profile targeted by
your application is compatible with
the profile targeted by the projects
or assemblies referenced by your

Is there any way I can get VS2010 to behave like VS2008 in this regard (i.e. allowing references to assemblies targeting higher framework versions)?

I know the reasoning behind the VS 2010 behavior and the deployment considerations I need to be aware of, no need to repeat that.

The exact error is:

warning MSB3268: The primary reference
could not be resolved because it has
an indirect dependency on the
framework assembly "System.Core,
Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" which
could not be resolved in the currently
targeted framework.
".NETFramework,Version=v2.0". To
resolve this problem, either remove
the reference
or retarget your application to a
framework version which contains
"System.Core, Version=,

Best Answer

Step1: Unload the referencing project targeting .NET 2.0

Step2: Right click the unloaded project and select edit from context menu

Step3: Add <SpecificVersion>true</SpecificVersion> to the reference. Below is a sample from my repro solution:

<ProjectReference Include="..\HighFX\HighFX.csproj">

Step4: Reload the project.

Now your should be able to build within the Visual Studio 2010, there could still be a warning as below, but the build can be successful.


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