Visual Studio 2013, IIS, IIS Express – bug


An ASP.NET C# project would't load with error:

The site for the URL 'http://localhost:51752/', configured for Web project 'AndroidWS', exists on both the local IIS web server and the IIS Express web server. You need to use IIS Manager to change this site's binding(s) in IIS.

If I delete

<site name="AndroidWS" id="1"> ... </site>

section from IIS Express configuration file, I get another kind of error:

The URL 'http://localhost:51752/' for Web project 'AndroidWS' is configured to use IIS Express as the web server but the URL is currently configured on the local IIS web server. To open this project, you must use IIS Manager to remove the bindings using this URL from the local IIS web server.

But this project is not configured to use IIS Express:


The only way to open this project is to set:


Ok, it is a workaround, but I am not very comfortable with it because of our team work process – I have to set this parameter back to false before every check-in.

PS. This situation repeats for all projects – Visual Studio says that they are configured to use IIS Express, but they are not.

Best Answer

Deleting the csproj.user did the trick. The message

"xxx is configured to use IIS Express as the web server but the URL is currently configured on the local IIS web server. To open this project, you must use IIS Manager to remove the bindings using this URL from the local IIS web server."

is misleading as the conflicting info is not in IIS but in the csproj.user file.