Visual-studio – Creating SharePoint 2013 Lookup List Column Visual Studio 2012 List Designer

listlookupsharepoint-2013visual studio

I'm trying to use the Visual Studio 2012 SharePoint 2013 List designer to create a lookup field but it is not working

Using the designer I created a simple list (Ad Agencies) with a column (Agency Name) that I want to appear as a lookup column in a second list.

Again, using the designer I created another list and add a Lookup column. Then using the property pane I set the following Properties for the Lookup column under "Type".

List: Ad Agencies
ShowField: Agency Name

I deploy the solution and add an item to the Ad Agencies list. I then add an item to the other list but the lookup Ad Agency column contains nothing.

I am hoping someone can spot what I may be doing wrong sinse this seems so straight forward.

Thanks for reading

Best Answer


In your lookup column properties (i.e. using Property Pane), use below values:
List: Lists/Ad Agencies (Note: we are using "Lists/" before the list name)
ShowField: AgencyName (Note: there is no space between Agency and Name)

More Info


This is "List URL (site-relative URL)" value of your parent list; found under "List" tab in visual studio 2012's list designer
enter image description here


This is name property value of your field in parent list that is to be used as ShowField (as shown in property pane) (note: this is not "display name" property value)

enter image description here

Please refer the below blog post for more

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