Visual Studio Data Tools 2015 with Team Explorer


I'm strictly a BI developer (Database projects, SSIS, etc). I'd like to use Team Explorer with my SQL Server Data Tools 2015 installation. I understand that there is not a stand-alone Team Explorer version for Visual Studio 2015. Is Microsoft really requiring us BI Devs to install the full-blown version of Visual Studio? It's awfully inconvenient.. What's the best option for people just needing Data Tools with the ability to connect to TFS?

Best Answer

Try to find the package C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TeamExplorer.vsix on another computer with already installed version of VS2015 with Team Explorer. It is about 47 Mb. Then copy it and install on the computer with the integrated shell. This approach has worked for me.