Visual-studio – How to check which ASP.NET Version was used for .aspx files

asp.netvisual studio

I've got an old website which I have to recreate in PHP instead of ASP. The website was written in ASP.NET (.aspx files), and in order to display the website I have to state which ASP.NET version was used. Can I get that information out of the .aspx files?


EDIT: This is inside my webconfig file:

<compilation debug="false">
      <add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31CF2543AD364E11"/>

Best Answer

If you have the original Visual Studio project there should be a project file or files depending on the number of projects. The file is something like ProjectName.csproj (which is just an XML file). Open it with your preferred text editor and look for the following line which will indicate which version of the framework that was used for that specific project.


Based on your updated question it appears as though it is .NET 1.0