Visual-studio – How to disable __vwd/js/artery in VS.NET 2013 studio

I've upgraded to VS.NET 2013, and now, every time I start to debug an ASP.NET MVC4 app in IIS, some how __vwd/js/artery is created, this script is interfering with my RequireJS setup and it crashes the jQuery reference.

Does anyone know how can i get rid of this script?


window.vwdTempJQuery = window.jQuery = window.$;
window.jQuery = window.$ = null;
window.vwdTempJSON = window.JSON;

*! jQuery v1.8.2 | */


// Restore original jQuery references.
window.jQuery = window.$ = window.vwdTempJQuery;
window.vwdTempJQuery = null;
// Restore original JSON.
if (window.JSON !== window.vwdTempJSON)
    window.JSON = window.vwdTempJSON;


LE: It has been fixed in Visual Studio 2013 RTM

Best Answer

A friend of mine found it, it's Enable Browser Link enter image description here