Visual-studio – How to export Visual Studio 2010 UML Modeling Diagrams

umlvisual studiovisual studio 2010

I recently created a very nice UML Class diagram inside Visual Studio 2010 (b2). The tools worked like a charm and I was able to model a rather complex domain within minutes.

However, I cannot find any way to export my diagram as an image (PNG/JPEG/etc.).

Does the modelling features in VS2010 support exporting diagrams as images? If so – how do I do it?

Print src is NOT the answer.

Edit: Found one way to export… Go to File > Print and select Adobe PDF

Edit 2: Found another, slightly more elegant, way to export. In the diagram editor: Select all (Ctrl + A), Copy (Ctrl + C), Go to your favourite image editor (paint works fine) and Paste (Ctrl + V). Voila!

Best Answer

The VS 2010 Ultimate RC documentation has more info about exporting the UML diagrams as images: How to: Save Images of Diagrams