How to uninstall/remove Visual Studio SP1

uninstallationvisual studio 2010

I have Windows 7 64-bit with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and subsequent installation of SP1.

If I open up Control Panels | Programs and Features, I see 3 entries for Visual Studio 2010, the third being one ADO.Net.

I tried to uninstall SP1 first and somehow that failed. It asked for the Visual Studio 2010 setup disk, which I put in. Sadly, after the completion, SP1 stayed in the Programs and Features list.

I tried uninstalling VS2010, which uninstalled nicely, but left the entry for SP1. I tried uninstalling SP1, but got a message that I had to have VS2010 installed, so I bit my lip, shoveled down my irritation, and reinstalled VS2010. I received only one option to install SP1, which I did. I guess you can consider that a reapply.

A refresh of Programs and Features showed once again 3 entries. I was able to uninstall SP1, at least the option was there and I was able to complete the uninstall. I kept the VS2010 disk in the CD tray. Sadly, closing Control Panel Programs and Features (CPPF subsequently) and reopening it, nicely showed Microsoft's bug invested SP1. Selecting to uninstall/change the entry results in a dialog to install SP1.

It appears that SP1 might be gone in part, but obviously not entirely. The entry, the executable/DLL tied to that entry is nicely there.

How do I remove/cleanup/delete/nuke VS2010 SP1 inclusive of CPPF and any other trash that it installed?

Best Answer

I just ran the web installer for VS2010 SP 1 with the following parameters. That forced it to uninstall and got me past the blocking issue:

VS10sp1-KB983509.exe /uninstall /force