Visual-studio – Installing Subsonic – adding Text Templates does nothing


I'm trying to start using Subsonic (v3). The brief installation instructions indicate that I must:

  • add a reference to the DLL = Done
  • edit Setting.ttinclude to use right connection string = Done; added appsettings to web.config
  • add templates to project = Done, but nothing is generated; no errors and no code.

The demo indicates that when you add the files, either appropriate .vb/.cs classes are created, or it generates some errors – but I get nothing, simply a folder with the templates in.

I'm a complete novice when it comes to T4 templates – in fact, I never knew they existed until now(!).

Any thoughts? This must be something fundamental; this is supposed to be so simple.

FYI: I'm using VS Professional 2008 – I understand there can be similar issues with VS Express.

Best Answer

Right click the .tt files and choose 'Run Custom Tool' and your code should be generated.