Visual-studio – Team Foundation Server file check-in problem

tfsvisual studio

I'm storing SQL database backup file (*.bak) in the Visual Studio solution and checking it to TFS. However when I update this bacup file locally (backing up new database structure) it's not marked as "changed" in the solution explorer and not uploaded to TFS.
How can I solve this problem and force VS to automatically check-in changed file.

Best Answer

Try using SVN bridge.

SvnBridge allows you to use TortoiseSVN and other Subversion clients with Team Foundation Server. It converts the calls made by your Subversion client to the API supported by TFS.

SvnBridge acts as a bridge between TortoiseSVN and TFS. You point SvnBridge at the TFS server, and point TortoiseSVN at SvnBridge. This allows you to use TortoiseSVN with any TFS server without needing to change the TFS server in any way (no need to convince your TFS system administrator of anything!).

There is two versions of SVNBridge: "SVNbridge client" and "SVNbridge server". The names are slightly misleading, as both of them run on your desktop computer, and you never need to install anything on the Team Foundation Server computer. Most developers will just run the "SVNbridge client" version, which sits in your system tray. However, if you have multiple SVN developers, you can let them all dial into your computer using the "SVNbridge server" version, and in effect your computer becomes a SVN server which in turn talks to Team Foundation Server.

Download it here: