TFS 2010 and VS 2010 searching code in source control

tfsvisual studio 2010

This question is similar to: Find in Files: Search all code in Team Foundation Server However it was asked 4 years ago. I'm asking specifically about TFS 2010 with VS 2010.

Has Microsoft finally got around to adding back the searching of files for code snippets like they had way back in Visual Source Safe? If so, how to enable it and use it?

I've tried adding in Microsoft's Power Tools. While it has a search feature, the search is only for file names and ignores looking in the content in the files. 🙁

Best Answer

I had the same problem and found this thread whilst looking for the solution. I then found that this functionality is available in a Visual Studio 2010 add-on called 'TFS Administrators Toolkit' in the Visual Studio Gallery. It seems to work!

MSDN links:

TFS Administrators Toolkit for VS 2010

TFS Administrators Toolkit for VS 2012

TFS Administrators Toolkit for VS 2013