Visual-studio – TFS Basic for Non-Visual Studio Projects

tfsvisual studio 2010

We are looking for a work item tracking tool (bugs, enhancements, etc.) for our company software projects. The company is a big MS shop and we're thinking about using TFS Basic with VS 2010 since it will provide us with a host of additional ALM features as well. Does anyone know if TFS Basic can be used in conjunction with non-Visual Studio projects or is VS 2010 the only client interface to create and interact with software projects when using TFS Basic?

Best Answer

So its even better than that!

  • You can use Team Explorer 2010
  • You can use SVNtoTFS Bridge and use ANY SVN or Mercurial client
  • You can use the Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider to connect with:
    -Visual Studio .NET 2003
    -Visual C++ 6 SP6
    -Visual Visual Basic 6 SP6
    -Visual FoxPro 9 SP2
    -Microsoft Access 2007
    -SQL Server Management Studio
    -Enterprise Architect 7.5
    -PowerBuilder 11.5
    -Microsoft eMbedded VC++ 4.0
  • You can use Team Explorer Everywhere to connect with:
    -Eclipse 3.0 to 3.5 on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX, or HP-UX.
    -IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0 to 7.5 on Windows.
    -IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 to 7.5 on Linux.
    -Additional IDEs based on Eclipse 3.0 to 3.5 are supported including Adobe Flex Builder 3 and Aptana Studio 2.0.