Visual-studio – TFS: Check out an item without getting latest version, or resolve conflict by using local file

tfsvisual studiovisual studio 2010

Using VS 2010 & TFS 2010:

I have a TFS team project that was migrated from Visual SourceSafe.

While the migration was carried out on the server, I made changes to my local working copies of the files. Now I want to check in those changes.

  • I have mapped the team project to a
    local folder. When I did a Get
    Latest, all files that weren't
    writable on disk were added to the

  • For the files that changed, and were
    writable, I get conflicts. In the
    "Pending Changes – Conflicts" pane,
    the only options for each conflict
    are to 1) "Overwrite Local File or
    Folder", or 2) AutoResolve the
    conflict using AutoMerge to merge
    "Conflicts with any content changes".

    • Option 1 is the opposite of what I
      want. I want to check out the file
      and use my local copy, not the server
      copy, in the workspace.

    • Option 2 doesn't do anything when I
      try it.

  • If I try to check out one of the
    changed files, I get the error: "The
    item [item] could not be found in
    your workspace, or you do not have
    permission to access it".

How do I check out, then check in, local changes without first getting a copy of each file from the server?

Best Answer

Normally you would have a third option to "Keep the local version". I guess you don't have it because the local files are just exact local copies of the server files. They are not part of the workspace, and that's why ou get the error when trying to check them out.

One quick solution is to move the local copies out of the workspace, do a get latest so their server copies get downloaded to your workspace, then check these downloaded files out and replace them with your correct local copies.

Alternatively, you can try do an Add (tf add - if you use the command-line tool) instead of an Edit on the local copies, then do a Get Latest again. With the files being added to your TFS server, you'll probably get the third option to "Keep the local version".

Hope this helps.