Visual-studio – Visual studio 2005 “Object Test Bench” popup when debugging

visual studiovisual-studio-2005

When debugging a project in Visual Studio 2005, I have recently noticed a brief appearance of the "Object Test Bench" window. This window appears and then disappears after less than a second and does not look like the normal "Object Test Bench" window one sees when not debugging, as it looks like this:

alt text

I would like to stop this window appearing and have tried the following:

  • Closing all Object Bench Test windows when not debugging
  • Resetting Visual Studio to default settings (devenv /ResetSettings)

Any other ideas?

Best Answer

Migrated? Hmm no code in this question. Anyway is the Object Test Bench perhaps open, but docked, so it pops up when the IDE state changes?

More info on the OTB on MSDN here :)

Edit: Here is what my VS 2005 OTB looks like.

alt text