Visual Studio 2010 intellisense stopped working

visual studio 2010

I've got a small problem with the VS2010. I installed Resharper and soon after my installation period has expired, My Visual Studio 2010 Intellisense stopped working. Its very hard to work without Intellisense. It doesn't even show the member properties even . I tried doing devenv.exe /ResetSettings and I end up with an error saying:

it is not recognised as a internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

My solution

I don't know how people are solving this but I just solved my above problem by resetting the Vs settings. Tools–>Import ExportSettings–>selecting the reset all settings and following the wizard .

By doing this of course I lost the little settings I made just like adding line numbers and stuff, but I did that again.

Not sure if this is the ideal solution for people looking for an answer, but just helped me to get the Intellisense in the first place which I was actually looking for.

Best Answer

This worked for me.

enter image description here

In Visual Studio select Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages. Ensure that the checkboxes in the Statement Completion section are actively checked (not grayed out).

enter image description here