Visual-studio – VS2008 Xaml Editor is totally unstable


I have installed every patch I can find that deals with stability. I have turned off intellisense in the XAML Editor. I have setup XAML to only use the XML View (I never use preview).

VS2008 crashed multiple times an hour while editting XAML. It is fine until the first time I open up a XAML file and then it is only a matter of time before it crashes or hangs.

Does ANYONE know if there is any available patch for this? I simply cannot believe how BAD this is. My teams productivity is down to less than 6 hours a day because of the number of times we have to restart visual studio, and/or wait to determine if a build has really HUNG, or is still working…

If there is not a patch, what the heck do we need to do? I cannot wait for VS2010 to resolve this, assuming it will… which, at this point, I have my doubts.


Best Answer

Have you tried using the source code editor?

  1. Right-click on a XAML file in the Solution Explorer
  2. Select "Open With..."
  3. Select "Source Code (Text) Editor"
  4. Click on "Set as Default"
  5. Click OK
  6. You're done!