VS2017 The operation failed as details for project could not be loaded


I edit the project.csproj. and re-open the solution the errors occurred:
The operation failed as details for project xxx could not be loaded

I try delete obj & bin folder, clear the nuget cache by tool>options.
but the error still exist.

Remark: the error do not occur each time, i just restart the project three times. the first and second is correct. but the third the error occur

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.0.26228.9 D15RTWSVC
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01586

Package Manager Console Host Version

Best Answer

I've faced the problem several times, and all but one were solved by just closing and then restarting visual studio 2017. So if you've not, please try restarting VS, then if that fails, look for more serious solutions.